From end shows to pyromusicals - environmentally friendly fireworks are a must!
Fireworks are often used to celebrate special occasions. Think of the New Year, weddings, birthdays or other occasions. Many people know that fireworks are very harmful to the environment, but to what extent is it harmful and how can you prevent it? Are you curious about other alternatives? Then read on!
But what is the impact of an end show?
Fireworks have many impacts on both animal life and the environment. They cause a lot of damage and you do not want this on your conscience. There are two types of fireworks: bang fireworks and decorative fireworks. Fireworks with bangs contain a lot of gunpowder and cause a lot of noise pollution for both animals and people. Decorative fireworks contain certain metals that are harmful to the environment. These metals produce the colour and sound effects. The packages also remain on the ground or end up in the soil. Blasting fireworks only consist of cardboard and paper, but decorative fireworks also contain wood, clay and plastics as waste.
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Photo: Carola Doornbos
Animal Life
Birds fly away en masse because of the fireworks and they can fly in panic against power lines, buildings, trees, windows or other high obstacles. Pets are also affected. Research has shown that 65% of dogs go into hiding and cats and rabbits can also be scared or frightened by the fireworks outside. In extreme cases, they can suffer a trauma. In most cases, the pets have to recover from the loud bangs for months afterwards.
Photo: Moment& Photography Esther Reijrink
The gunpowder and heavy metals are very harmful to the environment. By setting off bang and decorative fireworks, these heavy metals and chemical substances (lead, barium and chromium) end up in the air, soil and groundwater.
Other harmful substances released:
Fine dust
Carbon monoxide
Sulphur oxides
Source: &
Photo: Rick Jansen
What are the developments in fireworks & pyrotechnics?
In pyrotechnics, they describe and calculate the production of fireworks, i.e. the techniques required and used, and whether rapid or explosive combustion occurs with the type of firework. The most common example used is the airbag of a car.
Photo: Carola Doornbos
Nowadays, there are many more animal-friendly fireworks developments, one of which is noise-reducing fireworks. The effect remains the same, but with traditional fireworks you hear a very loud bang and with Non-Debris fireworks this is not the case. The loud bang is caused by the 'break' of the charge in the rocket. Traditional fireworks can have a volume of 170 decibels and with soundless fireworks the maximum is much lower, namely 85 decibels. There are councils that ban traditional fireworks and only allow low-noise fireworks, but there are still plenty of councils that do approve.
Photo: Floris Tils
Non-Debris fireworks are used in close proximity to the public for safety reasons. Non-Debris fireworks do not emit any debris when fired. There are no cardboard or plastic caps that fall down with this type of firework. This creates less environmental pollution and is safer for the public.
Photo: Floris Tils
Ecological fireworks
With ecological fireworks, they replace the heavy metals that you have with normal fireworks:
These substances make this kind of firework ecological, as it has less impact on the environment. The emission and waste of these fireworks is much less and is therefore less harmful to man, flora and fauna.
Photo: Carola Doornbos
Close audience
At weddings, you often have to deal with an audience that is sitting close to the fireworks. You then do not want certain debris to fall down during the firing of the fireworks. Non Debris singleshots are fireworks especially for events. No plastic or cardboard will be shot into the air, so you don't have to worry that something will fall out of the sky.
Photo: Floris Tils
Why do we exclusively work with Dream Fireworks on Huis de Voorst?
Landgoed Huis de Voorst cooperates especially with Dream Fireworks. They use ecological fireworks and the Non Debris singleshots. There are different possibilities such as outdoor and indoor fireworks and they also have other special effects. Safety is taken care of, because they only work with specialists and with special equipment that is suitable for every space.
Photo: Dream Fireworks
Do you want to know more?
Are you interested in a nice eco-friendly fireworks show? Do you want to know more about fireworks? Or are you looking for someone who can help with the planning of your big day? Then get in touch with us via the contact form, Wondering what we as wedding & event planners can do for you - read more about Ashford Group here. You can also take a look at Dream Fireworks.
Video: Floris Tils